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When addicted to drugs, one may need to undergo a drug detoxification treatment as the first stage of recovery. The goal of detox is to address the physical aspects of addiction as the first step in order to prepare patients to deal with the psychological aspects of their addiction. This forms the basis for an addiction recovery program.
Drug detox is the process of getting rid of all traces of drugs from the body. It is often the first step in any substance abuse disorder recovery program, and will allow the patient to complete the rest of recovery more safely. Detox can also be used to appropriately treat drug withdrawal symptoms.1
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Detox time varies depending on several circumstances. For example, withdrawal symptoms from alcohol may subside within a week. If users attempt to quit drinking alone, especially after heavy use, they may face serious health risks, one of which is death. This is why it’s important to undergo detox at a medical facility or detox center. Other medications, such as benzodiazepines, may need a lengthier detox schedule, lasting up to ten days or more.2
However, in almost every case, making long-term changes is just as important as the initial detox. This ensures that the user does not relapse and that recurring risks can be managed effectively. Both outpatient and inpatient drug addiction rehab can assist those struggling with problematic drug use. Patients will learn new coping strategies to help them weather any unpleasant mental or physical withdrawal symptoms that may arise later on. Thorough treatment is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle permanently.
Undergoing drug detox also will cause some side effects, some of which include intense cravings, insomnia, and anxiety or depression. There are physical symptoms that can arise as well, like trouble breathing.
Patients will be assessed for physical and mental health issues by a doctor. Doctors use blood tests to determine the drug concentration level in a patient’s system, which will help determine if medication is necessary.
A thorough examination of drug, medical, and psychiatric histories is also done. This data serves as the origin of the patient’s long-term treatment plan.
Following the withdrawal stage, the patient will generally start therapy and medication if needed. The goal of stabilization is to keep the patient safe from future harm. Physicians can propose addiction treatment medications to avert complications and lessen withdrawal symptoms.
This is the most intensive level of care of drug detoxification programs. It provides patients with around-the-clock supervision and attention.3
Detoxing at home is unsafe and risky. Trying to abstain may be more challenging for individuals in their home environment, where exposure to specific people or things may cause a relapse. In rare situations, drug withdrawal can result in stroke, heart attack, and death if not addressed. Drug detox is often performed at a hospital or detox facility for these reasons. It is up to you to ensure your detox experience is as safe and comfortable as possible.
With many years of experience, Boardwalk Recovery offers lifesaving addiction and behavioral healthcare treatment. Boardwalk Recovery’s center offers community and increased support for you or your loved one. We also offer pre- and post-treatment services if needed. Boardwalk Recovery has the most extensive range of care available, including care for teens, adults, and older dependents.
Boardwalk Recovery’s outcomes-driven treatment care plans are tailored to meet the wishes of families and individuals. We also offer a pioneering approach to continuing recovery care for all patients with numerous media platforms and resources made available.
Drug detoxification is only the first step in addiction therapy and is typically insufficient for a full recovery. Individuals needing addiction therapy must address the psychological aspect of their addiction as well. Counseling, support groups, or an inpatient treatment program can help them do this. Reach out today if you or your loved one want to begin recovery.