Prescription Addiction
Treating Prescription Addiction
At Boardwalk Recovery Center, we treat a dynamic set of addictions concerning alcohol and drugs. Many of the patients that we see are addicted to a combination of these substances, and our treatment options reflect this possibility. We hope to offer adaptable methods of treatment that can target any combination of addictions whether they be multiple drug addictions or drugs and alcohol. Prescription drug addiction is one of these addictions that we focus on here at Boardwalk Recovery Center as it is one of the leading forms of addiction in the world today.
What is prescription drug addiction?
Addiction of any kind is the inability to function without consumption of the substance, but prescription drug addiction is an unintentional medically-assisted type of addiction. Prescription drugs become the center of the brain’s focus and are often sought out through any means possible. Drug addiction is considered a brain disease because of its ability to alter the normal brain functioning, ultimately resulting in loss of performance. Although a person might initially choose to take drugs, continued use can lead to addictive behaviors caused by structural changes in the brain.
Prescription drug addiction becomes a disease of the brain because prescription-specific drugs are often associated with rerouted neurological function and altered sensory perception. Often those who are affected by prescription drug addiction are those patients that suffer from severe pain after a traumatic injury, those who are chronically depressed, or those who have difficulty sleeping.
Types of Prescription Drugs
The most common types of abused prescription drugs are antidepressants or CNS drugs, opioids, and stimulants such as diet pills. There are other types of prescription medications an individual can develop an addiction to, but these are some of the most common classifications we see at Boardwalk Recovery Center.
The Most Addictive Prescription Drugs
Of these specific prescription drug types above, the most addictive drugs by name are the following:
- Vicodin
- Xanax
- Adderall
- Prozac
- Ritalin
- Ambien
- Klonopin
- Ativan
- Codeine
- Fentanyl
- Morphine
- Methadone
- Oxycodone
- Percocet
- Dextromethorphan
- Pseudoephedrine
We understand that previous illness, trauma, and mental health issues can be a precursor to developing these addictions, and want our clients to know that the rapid availability can make this addiction one of the most difficult to break away from. We offer supportive and all-encompassing prescription drug addiction treatment that provides all clients with the essential tools they need to avoid relapse. We also educate our clients on their particular addictions and want them to deconstruct their desire for these drugs and physical or emotional triggers that lead to abuse over time.
Signs and Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction
Because of the viral availability of various types of prescription drugs, and the deep-seated reasons people start taking those drugs, it’s often difficult to recognize an addiction beginning to form in those that are close to us, like friends and family. These addictions can slowly become difficult to see within ourselves as well. Addiction can creep up on us especially when chronic pain is involved. The dependency on these drugs may come as a surprise until our addiction is well underway.
Noticing these signs and symptoms within ourselves as we make use of these prescription drugs can save us years of lost time, pain, suffering, and estrangement from our family. It is critical that during the time you or a family member is prescribed medication, that the prescribing physician explains in detail the dependency that’s associated with each drug. If you or a loved one are already predisposed to developing an addiction, you should be highly aware of this before opting to take prescription drugs. Prescription drugs should only be taken under necessary circumstances with physician monitoring only and our opinion is not at all.
Symptoms and behavior changes:
- Memory loss
- Chronic fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Speech problems
- Muscle spasms
- Periods of increased energy or the complete opposite
- Spectrum mood swings
- Frequent unnecessary hospital visits
- Isolation
- Extreme weight loss
These symptoms vary with each prescription drug addiction. If you are experiencing these symptoms related to the list of drugs above, call to speak with an intake counselor at Boardwalk Recovery Center and get started on a treatment plan to stop the addiction.
How We Treat Prescription Drug Addiction
We serve clients of all ages, from young adults to seniors, with an array of different addiction therapies that incorporate both spirituality and the latest and most effective treatments.
Our faith-based treatment includes a robust 12-step program in a supportive and compassionate environment. Our staff works with each of our residents on important breakthroughs like identifying trauma, managing grief, and controlling anger. 12-step meetings usually take place outside of our treatment center and are open to members of the community who share their own recovery journeys with our clients.
A typical day for our clients will include individual and group therapy, including 12-step meetings, and opportunities for spirituality throughout the day, as well as recreation and sober fun.
We believe that God influences our recovery and ability to lead healthy, productive lives free of addiction, and we include spiritual aspects like Bible study, church gatherings, prayer, and meditation to help bring a higher power into our recovery.
Our treatment is fully customized to the needs of our clients, so we can help someone no matter what stage they find themselves in their addiction. Let us help you find a happier sober life and contribute back to your friends, family, and community.