What is Motivational Interviewing (MI)?
Learn more about motivational interviewing (MI), how it works, and if it is the appropriate treatment option for you.
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Our knowledgeable team is ready to discuss your situation and options. Your call is confidential with no obligation required.
Several studies have been conducted to determine the effects of MI on adolescents and the adaptability and overall efficacy of motivational interviewing therapy. Conclusions from the analysis found motivational interviewing strategies to be similar to or better than other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication, and superior to non-treatment controls for reducing alcohol and drug use. Motivational interviewing for addiction showed 51% improvement rates and a 56% reduction in client drinking.2
The relationship between the counselor and the patient is emphasized during motivational counseling. People can often compare this relationship to coaching relationships, as the counselor serves as the patient’s guide and support system as they undergo treatment.
Research has regularly proven the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in boosting a person’s readiness to discontinue drug use, lowering the intensity of substance use, and lengthening periods of abstinence. Additional benefits of motivational interviewing include:
Please contact us at Boardwalk Recovery for additional details on motivational counseling or have questions about starting a motivational intervention program with us.