California is working hard to minimize drug abuse. There are several measures in place in Southern California, specifically in San Diego, to improve and provide treatment resources for those in need of help. To name a few, the state is working on preventing youth drug use, boosting access to treatment, improving local treatment resources, and supporting long-term recovery.
SUD Treatment Delivery System
Underserved populations are often not able to receive the medical care they need. This is especially true for those with substance abuse disorders. Officials in San Diego County are making progress by enhancing and expediting efforts to augment access to drug abuse and addiction treatment for low-income and underserved populations. This is possible due to San Diego County’s current strategy of allocating more funds to the Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) Treatment Delivery System.
Marijuana Prevention Initiative
Preventative actions are being taken in San Diego County to minimize drug use among the youth population by educating teenagers on the dangers and consequences of addictive substances and abusing drugs. Officials are challenged when it comes to marijuana because adolescents are aware that recreational use is now legal for adults in California. This makes it even more important to educate youth on marijuana’s impact on the adolescent and underage brain. Fortunately, The Marijuana Prevention Initiative of San Diego County has been created to help achieve local awareness.
Statewide Opioid Safety Workgroup
In response to the opioid crisis, California state officials are beginning to step up by taking a role in combating what has become a nationwide epidemic. The Statewide Opioid Safety (SOS) Workgroup has been initiated by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The SOS Workgroup aims to reduce prescription drug abuse by providing the necessary knowledge and educating the public and providers on the danger and the possible threat of addiction or dependence on prescription drugs. The mission of this workgroup is to provide information and the complete truth about prescription drugs and share opioid alternatives for pain management.
PDMP and CURES 2.0
Efforts are being made to keep potentially fatal medications from being sold and misused. Organizations like The California Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES 2.0) are tracking the dispensation of potentially abusive substances. Drop-off sites have been made available to safely dispose of medications. In Pacific Beach, where Boardwalk Recovery Center is located, Scripps Pharmacy kiosks accept unused medications. The process is safe and anonymous. Having these outlets also helps improve medication-assisted treatment (MAT) methods. Close to Pacific Beach in the city of Carlsbad, The Carlsbad Safety Center also has a safe drop-off location where prescription medications can be anonymously disposed of during standard business hours.
Naloxone Availability
Opioid overdoses can potentially be overturned with the administration of a medication called naloxone. There’s a great need in California for people to not only know the medication exists, but to be trained in administering it. Naloxone usually requires a prescription, but California has issued a standing order that allows the medication to be obtained as needed at any local pharmacy.
Methamphetamine Strike Force
Methamphetamine is one of the most commonly abused drugs in San Diego. The good news is that in the state of California, The Methamphetamine Strike Force puts in immense effort to prevent meth abuse by supporting treatment efforts and enforcing laws against meth trafficking and illegal meth distribution and possession. San Diego’s proximity to Mexico makes illegal meth trafficking and distribution more common than in other cities, making these efforts all the more important.
Behavioral Health Services Division
Specific treatment for drug abuse and addiction in California is overseen by individual county mental health departments. For San Diego County, this is the Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Division of the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). The BHS Network of Care has 11 county-operated providers. Additionally, there are over 300 community partners and more than 800 fee-for-service treatment providers offering drug abuse and addiction treatment services within San Diego County. At Boardwalk Recovery Center, the treatment and quality of care are unparalleled because of our educated staff and our empathetic approach to our clients.
Public Treatment Resources
There are nonprofit providers in San Diego that do deliver care, but on a sliding scale, accounting for what each family can afford to pay for treatment. Public addiction treatment resources are offered to all California residents, even those without insurance coverage and those on low-income levels. Most substance abuse treatment providers do accept Medi-Cal insurance, California’s Medicaid program for low-income residents.
Private Treatment Programs
Private treatment programs, classified as “fee-for-service”, usually accept private health insurance. Boardwalk Recovery Center is a private treatment program with numerous resources for drug abuse and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery in Pacific Beach and the surrounding San Diego area.
Recovery Resources in San Diego
Listed below are resources in the San Diego area for substance-abuse disorders, drug/alcohol dependence, and addiction assistance and prevention:
- Live Well San Diego: a local initiative supported by BHS and San Diego County HHSA to improve the health of local communities.
- 211 San Diego: a crisis hotline operated by a nonprofit organization, offering around-the-clock crisis support.
- Access and Crisis Line: provides immediate crisis support and referrals for treatment services to San Diego County residents.
- Network Treatment Providers: a directory of local providers in the local network of care.
- Fee-for-Service Provider Directory: directory of private providers in San Diego County.
- Adult/Older Adult Mental Health Outpatient Clinics: information on treatment providers offering services to Medi-Cal recipients and adults without health insurance on an outpatient basis.
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Patient Referral Directory: providers offering MAT services in San Diego County.
- It’s Up to Us San Diego (Up2SD): offers listings of drug abuse and addiction resources for San Diego County residents.
- San Diego County Meth Strike Force: provides information on treatment and recovery support for residents struggling with meth abuse and addiction.
- San Diego County Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force: offers prevention efforts aimed at local teens as well as addiction treatment resources for San Diego County residents.
- SAY (Social Advocates for Youth) San Diego: nonprofit organization involved in local youth drug abuse prevention measures.
- SAMHSA’s Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator: provides national resources for finding local care based on zip code of residence.
- Central Region Prevention Coalition (CRPC): community partnership designed to minimize local youth drug and alcohol use.
- North Coast Prevention Coalition (NCPC): strives to minimize the harm of drug and alcohol use in the Carlsbad, Vista, and Oceanside communities.
- SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery San Diego: a recovery peer support organization.
- San Diego Imperial Counties Region of Narcotics Anonymous (NA): offers 12-step programming and local meetings for peer recovery support.
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) San Diego County: provides recovery peer support for sustained abstinence.
- San Diego Crystal Meth Anonymous (SD CMA): faith-based peer support program that promotes complete abstinence from all substances of abuse.
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