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A big part of the addiction recovery process involves getting back into a routine, assimilating back into society, and finding a healthy role in the community. Many rehab centers, especially Boardwalk Recovery Center, encourage clients to get a job locally when they are in a stable-enough phase in their recovery.

For some, this can mean returning to the job they paused for treatment. For others, it means starting new, with what we in the recovery community call Get Well Jobs. Get Well Jobs are helpful in the recovery process and establish a foundation for “starting life over.”

What is a Get Well Job?

A Get Well Job is any job that does not cause undue pressure. This means that this job will not act as a threat to the demands of your recovery. The job should not place too many intellectual or emotional demands on you, but should still allow you to develop a schedule, learn accountability, and revive your sense of responsibility. The idea behind this job is to find work and purpose that will not cause intense stress and tempt you to cope with your drug of choice. For most people, a Get Well Job will be different from the profession they were in prior to starting recovery.

When you first enter a treatment program, maintaining a job is usually not possible, as the initial phases of treatment will consume most of your day. During this time, all attention should be on your needs and your recovery in order to establish a strong foundation. Thus, Get Well Jobs are more appropriate when you’ve graduated to sober living and are ready to re-enter the working world. However, these types of jobs could also be a good fit if you have lost your job during active addiction. Get Well Jobs are also appropriate for clients in recovery who were incarcerated and are about to re-enter the working world and acclimate back into society.

The Role of Get Well Jobs During Recovery

Many rehabs will assist their clients in polishing up their resumes, or, in some cases, creating their first resume. Then, clients can seek out a Get Well Job in the local community, usually near their treatment center. The right Get Well Job will give individuals in recovery a platform to create important structure in their lives and renew their confidence in the skills they need to succeed in the work world.

Many clients who have had prominent jobs are often hesitant or humbled when they apply for a Get Well Job. But taking this type of work shows a sense of redemption to future employers who might be turned off about how the individual ended their last job prior to treatment.

A Get Well Job also helps individuals in treatment find work and avoid a gap in their work record for the time they were in rehab. Ideally, if the individual in recovery leaves their Get Well Job on good terms, they can obtain a reference for a future job in a field of their choice.

One of the most important takeaways from a Get Well Job is learning to be conscientious and responsible in reforming your life. The small steps of being responsible on the job, such as arriving to work on time and calling out when sick, apply not just to that job but to all aspects of your life.

While it’s important to choose the right job, it’s also important to know when to move on from a Get Well Job. Yet you shouldn’t leave a Get Well Job until you have another job lined up. This enforces a habit of having a job and viewing work as a normal part of your life.

At Boardwalk Recovery, we understand how overwhelming the prospect of finding a job during your recovery can be. That’s why we offer the guidance our clients need to get through the process and the support to improve quality of life.

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